Sunday, May 27, 2007

Dear Daddy (a targum on the Lord's prayer)

Dear Daddy who loves all of us and inhabits our lives and all the space around us,
Please may we not use your name to justify our own greed and bellicosity,
May we never lose sight of your kingdom due to being distracted by the shiny pretty things of the empire.
Guide us in subverting the empire to bring it more in line with you purposes. Remind us that the empire, no matter how progressive or godly, is at best a twisted caricature of your kingdom.
Allow us to be content with our blessings, and recognizing when we have enough, while being constantly dissatisfied that others live in want. Do not allow us to be blinded by the failures of this system to feed the hungry, heal the sick or clothe the naked just because we are adequately fed, in robust health or lavishly attired.
Recall for us our shortcomings only to remind us to forgive the shortcomings of others; remind us that forgiveness is a flowing river that we only benefit from when we pass it on to others. May we realize that we break the hold of the money changers on our brothers and sisters by giving freely.
Fill us so much with your love that an offense against our brother or sister is repulsive to us; grant us humility, fill us with generosity. Free us from greed and fear and lust. Open our eyes to the dangers of nationalism and civil religion, which is idolatry. Take down the standards of our personal empire from you holy place in our heart.
The whole of creation belongs to you and only You can empower us to care for it properly. We wait on you to perfect those things that you have taught us, so we can present it back to you in a way that honors and glorifies you, so we may be your pleasure.

With all our love,
Your beloved children

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